"Doesn't matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything."
Please see what others have had to say about
the LB Integrity team
Clear communication, excellent listening, thoughtful quality assurance, well organised, good direction. Very friendly and welcoming, putting staff at ease.
Headteacher, secondary school, Somerset
Highly supportive. Analysis in learning explorations as well as student and staff voice sessions was exceptionally sharp. Feedback was robust, precise and thought-provoking. This feedback will prove to be highly valuable at many levels.
Headteacher, secondary school, South West London
We asked Sue to work with us on Behaviour Management. She observed classroom practice in two classrooms and then met individually with the two class teachers and the teaching assistants in those classes. Sue met with senior leaders at the end of her visit to summarise her findings. All the adults that she worked with over the course of the day found her feedback extremely useful. She was emphatic to staff and was able to answer any questions that they had about strategies that they were already using. She had many useful suggestions and her ideas were implemented quickly and are already having an impact. We would highly recommend her.
Headteacher, primary school, Bromley
Communicated & kept to time extremely well. Employed a helpful coaching style; he was friendly and personable.
Headteacher, secondary school, West London
Was exceptional - Very knowledgeable. Willing to pose questions to ensure everybody thought hard.
Deputy headteacher, secondary school, South London
Adam was incredibly knowledgeable not only about the review but also school improvement. He was supportive, clear in instruction and guided us through the process and meetings thoroughly enabling us to gain the most from it and set some clear and achievable even better ifs.
Trust Leader, secondary school, Central London
Well done you fab team! Keep doing what you do and making a difference to our schools and their pupils. Amazing work!
Deputy director, education system leadership organisation
Adam's communication was exemplary throughout the review - he was able to manage a large team of host SLT and 4 reviewers effectively and with a really personable and professional approach. Nothing at all could be better - he helped make everyone feel comfortable, included and welcome across the entire review.
Deputy headteacher, secondary school, Buckinghamshire
We greatly value the flexible support that you and your colleagues have provided over the past 18 months.
Senior executive, education system leadership organisation
He was approachable and empathetic and displayed the perfect balance of challenge and support for the school. Has real integrity.
Headteacher, primary school, Essex
He listened to the whole picture, celebrating successes and being focused on the minutiae of what will drive school improvement further.
Headteacher, primary school, Wiltshire
He listened to school leaders. He ensured all had a voice in the review process. He consulted with me (HT) throughout the review to ensure that the direction was in line with what we had planned together.
Headteacher, primary school, South West London
Very clear and open - I have worked with Adam on a review before and really enjoyed his approach. Well organised and communicates very well with everybody involved.
Deputy Heateacher, secondary school, South London
Encouraged collaboration. Challenge and support in equal measures. Led review team well. Clear communication prior to review.
Headteacher, Primary School, South London
The Lead Reviewer was superb! He challenged us in a very supportive manner. He was clear, concise and sharp. The review was invaluable in terms of celebrating our successes, but also to highlight areas that we can further develop. We are very grateful for this opportunity.
Headteacher, Secondary School, South West London
Framed evidence into a quality report. Identified our progress. Worked well with all staff. Great personality. Professional. Knowledgeable.
Headteacher, Primary School, South Coast
Shaped and focused our discussions and kept us focused on the impact of our provision. Supported the team well with a positive approach whilst ensuring a rigorous approach to evidencing the criteria.
Headteacher, Infants School, South London
Very knowledgeable – kept to the process and ensured everyone was developed. Gave good advice and feedback.
Headteacher, Primary School, Yorkshire.​
Adam was exceptional in all regards. He managed the review very well and was a great source of support where needed… ultimately we all benefited from Adam's experience, skill and professionalism.
Deputy Headteacher, Secondary School, West London​
Made all staff feel at ease – staff had suspected this was a Mocksted, this concern was short lived as there was such a clear introduction/setting of rationale on arrival. Was very happy with Adam's approach and felt he managed his team extremely well.
Headteacher, Secondary School, East Midlands
The Lead Reviewer guided us through the process seamlessly. The process ran smoothly, with focus and clarity.
Deputy Headteacher, Primary School, North West London
This is a sincere and heartfelt thank you for making the review last week such a positive experience. We all felt boosted and have been given even more energy to seek excellence based on your feedback and interactions with us. Thank you so much for such a positive and highly reflective report. It has boosted all of us and empowered us to keep getting stronger.
Heateacher, Primary School, South West London
Led the team well. Good balance of challenge and support. Took time to get to know our school.
Headteacher, Primary School, South London
During my 29 year career in education, I would say I could count on 2 hands the people who have inspired and motivated me and whom I respect. Adam Lowing is one of those. He was the first mainstream headteacher to embrace The Reading Doctor intervention, when it was in its infancy - a maverick in his field. He recognised his struggling readers needed something different and this became part of his vision to turn his school around. I'm delighted that through his own direct experience and success he has now started his own business to serve as a leading light for other school leaders.
Deborah Salisbury, Founder, The Reading Doctor
​Being a new SENDCO I was feeling quite overwhelmed with the operational side of the job and I was finding it hard to be strategic. A day spent action planning and getting advice and guidance from Adam was very valuable. I was in control of the plans, but he helped me think strategically about how I was going to act on the plans and set up the systems I wanted in place, to work effectively. He was able to guide me and signpost me in the right direction because of his wealth of experience as a headteacher. My goals feel much more achievable and I have a clear plan in place.
Secondary School SENDCO
Sue Byron has worked in my schools on a number of occasions to advise us on strategies to support children with SEMH needs. She works positively with all stakeholders and has high quality interpersonal and communication skills. She is approachable and friendly and has a wonderful way of putting people at ease to help them to see how to move forward. The training that she provides is of high quality and useful, and provides a mix of rationale and practical activities which is well received by all.
Primary School Headteacher
The highly proficient and astute headteacher [Adam Lowing] has created a climate of mutual respect at all levels. The honesty and candor with which self-evaluation is undertaken is laudable…a culture that puts school improvement and pupils at the heart of every decision.
Challenge Partners
The headteacher [Adam Lowing] leads the school with great determination and skill. His clear vision has inspired staff, pupils and parents… he has worked successfully to create a school where pupils want to learn and where they are able to experience success...
The headteacher’s [Adam Lowing] determined leadership, wise counsel and unswerving ambition to improve the outcomes for the pupils is central to the school’s continuing improvement.
Challenge Partners
Sue Byron's support has been invaluable. She has helped us refine our approach to meeting needs and as a result behaviour has improved for not only ‘high-end’ children but all pupils. Her advice and support is priceless. Her CPD is informative yet practical. Staff love working with her. She is a gem!
From the time he took up post, the current headteacher [Adam Lowing] has led the school successfully. Results at all levels are much improved, including the disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils... St Mary Cray is not a school that stands still.
Challenge Partners